Thank You

Today’s Daily Prompt: Thank You.

When I think about it, there is so much I have to be thankful for, not least because I am alive today, that might be a cliche but really, things could have been worse.

Just a little over a year ago, my youngest son had fallen ill mysteriously, no one could tell us what was wrong, countless blood tests and visits to the hospital revealed nothing, only that he was producing far less white blood cells than he needed to be able to fight any kind of infection, that in itself was scary and dangerous, potentially anything could kill him, even a minor cold, yet he displayed none of the symptoms of Neutropenia .

He grew worse and became lethargic and withdrawn from almost everything and everyone, school had to be put on hold for several months while he receives treatment. How he came out of  is as mysterious as getting ill in the first place, because there was no conclusive diagnosis, his treatment was more of a trial and error, but he got better, for which I am eternally grateful.

For a boy who missed practically the whole of Year 10, his GCSE result was encouraging, I remember asking his head of year if he can retake year 10 and his advice then was it might do more harm than good. Am glad I took his advice.

Today I am saying thank you to God for my family especially for my son’s health and continuous improvement.